3 July 2007

We danced for 3 hours today at the Ideal, honest.

Today we went to the Museo de la Ciudad (City Museum).
It has a temporary exhibition of kitsch, and a permanent exhibition of toys.
This partly completed build-it-yourself dollshouse was there

much of the rest of Baires is under construction too (these public works notices are everywhere)

or it's for sale

but the Confiteria Ideal is still open and operating as usual.
Here Marco assumes an appropriate expression of refined and elegant suffering...

...exactly the kind of suffering caused by having to pause mid serious panqueque consumption for a photo.


Anonymous said...

love the shoes,
any chance of size 8 at Com l fait
something in stiletto black and strappy.

Have a wonderful time, if you meet up with Cathy say Ola bella.
from Ingrid

mirandacuarenta said...

Sorry Ingrid, all shoe shopped out!
(but if Jill doesn't like her shoes, she's a size 8, maybe we can work something out?)