30 June 2007

Our Place

I love love love our San Telmo apartment

There's an almacen (grocery store)
right on the ground floor

This is the street door

you have to get the cage elevator to the second floor

then you unlock this door

walk past these bikes

up the step here

down again and across this bridge

along a bit further to the front door

under the chandelier and to the left again

and inside!

Those stairs behind Marco lead up to the bedroom.

In the bedroom you can see this
through a yellow glassbrick window

it's the abandoned orphanage in the street behind


!! we didn't find this store in Bariloche....

Ahhh it's great to be back in Baires. We're staying in San Telmo, my favourite barrio.
Our first night back, Argentina played Estados Unidos in the Copa Americana, and won 4-1.
We watched the match in this cosy bar

and (squeal) here are my fabulous handmade new zapatos de tango

Some important things to know when in Baires:

ALWAYS carry plenty of cambio (small change)

used toilet paper does not go here

it goes here

Absolutely all the streets are one-way

except the ones which aren't

29 June 2007


Patanuk Guest House is right on the shore in Bariloche

they also have very friendly dogs

What to do with only one day in Bariloche?

Lunch, of course....

(smoked deer, smoked cheese, smoked boar, smoked etc)

and afternoon tea and chocolate

it's safest to go chocolate shopping when
you just couldn't eat another morsel

we sat for a while in the cathedral

and then hung out at the local skating rink
(it's right over the water)

our hosts at Patanuk recommended Kandahar as a great place for dinner

it was delightful.

Next morning, the flight back to Baires with Aerolineas Argentinas....
We are becoming experts at waiting

Moving on...

Today we left Marina's at Villa La Angostura.

Marco loves South american cable tv

there's 100 channels and always a futbol match on

I will miss the bath

We went to Bariloche by bus

26 June 2007

Whoooa! It's slippery on the ice...

Today we walked to Puerto Manzano

I am learning how to walk on the ice

Marco finds it perfectly easy.

luckily, Puerto Manzano is much closer than Villa La Angostura

and very pretty.

There are packs of friendly dogs roaming the roads

they like Marco best

Isn't this the most darling little bus stop?

Winter wonderland

It was misty this morning.

We walked into town

it's a long way (about 10 km)

so we were hungry when we arrived at Villa La Angostura

very hungry....

very, very hungry....

The good folk at Villa La Angostura are very artistic. There are many wood sculptures

and even some made from snow.

25 June 2007

Southward bound, Ho!

Sometimes you need to take a holiday from your holiday.
We went from this

to this.

It was a long trip
on a plane
PA "Senores y Senyoras, this is your Captain speaking. We apologise for the delay. We should be taking off within the next 10 minutes."

and then a couple of buses, and finally a taxi.
This is the view from the Bariloche bus stop

and the mandatory shrine to Our Lady of Something-or-other inside.

So 8 hours after we left our cosy little Baires nest, we arrived at Marinas, just outside Villa La Angostura.
This is the view from our bedroom